Embedded World Highlights 2019

by donpedro

Arm’s focus at this year’s Embedded World event in Nürnberg, Germany, was showing how data insights, machine learning and new developments around IoT security and automotive safety are helping to drive the 5th Wave of Computing. Visit Arm’s event page to see videos, images and other highlights from this year’s show.

Did you miss our talk on Machine Learning? Catch this on-demand webinar

Technical Webinar: Machine Learning on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers

You will learn:

• How to run image classification on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers
• How to use CMSIS-NN’s optimized software kernels to maximize performance and minimize memory footprint

Catch the replay


Automotive: Silicon evolution for the automotive revolution

Silicon evolution for the automotive revolution

The automotive landscape is rapidly changing. There are new disruptive opportunities for service revenue and design innovation, both enabled by software and advanced silicon. This new wave of computing requires a game changing combination of computing performance and functional safety integrity, which the Arm partnership delivers.

Read the white paper



Security: Arm launches a new independent testing and certification scheme

PSA Certified, the final step in Arm’s initiative to build trust in security throughout the IoT ecosystem is now in place. To learn more about the certification scheme, and how Arm’s ecosystem partners can get started, download the PSA Certified Overview

PSA Certified Overview



More on Using Arm Cortex-M processors in an FPGA

FPGAs provide developers with a great opportunity to get started on a project instantly, and incrementally improve the design over time. But how do you build a successful FPGA solution? Xilinx and Arm have joined forces to help embedded developers experience the benefits of a commercial FPGA, with the processing and software ecosystem of the Arm embedded processors.

Read the white paper


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